News and Announcements

2025.3.20Caccia a Unabomber
Italian TV program: Roberta Rei met Francesca Girardi, a victim of the Unabomber, the perpetrator of thirty-three attacks between 1994 and 2006, who marked the lives of many people with his devices. After years of investigations marked by errors and misdirections, Francesca fought and obtained the reopening of the investigations (includes interview with Dr. Kim Rossmo at 20:45)
Caccia a Unabomber
News Link
2025.3.1Geographic Profiling 2nd ed
The updated 2nd edition of Dr. Kim Rossmo's seminal book on Geographic Profiling has been published, and is available to order now. It incorporates many significant updates since the original edition of 2000.
Geographic Profiling 2nd Edition
Press Release Link

New 2024 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released, with updates to the .NET version and SQL Server database along with new features such as access to Leaflet maps. The new versions contain some important updates, and are recommended for all users. However some backward compatibility such as Windows 7 support is sacrificed with this update. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link

New 2023 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released, with updates to the .NET version and WebView2 along with new features. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link

New 2022 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
2021.11.3Research paper presented at 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI): "Differences in Geographic Profiles When Using Street Routing Versus Manhattan Distances in Buffer Zone Radii Calculations"
News Link

New 2021 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
2020.9.18Rigel Workstation is available in languages other than English, including those with non-Latin character sets such as Chinese and Arabic.

Press Release Link

Briefing paper: Geographic Profiling for Epidemiology - Application to COVID-19 Outbreak
Find out how geographic profiling is used in Epidemiology, and how it can be used to combat the current COVID-19 outbreak.

News Link

New 2020 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
2018.12.21"Geographic profiling, sharp-eyed rural residents led to arrest of robber"
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
News Link
2018.12.20New 2019 versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes
Press Release Link
2018.9.24"Determination of the earthquake epicenter from the Geographic Profiling
of the digital footprints left by eyewitnesses" - Aurélien Dupont, Robert Steed, Rémy Bossu and the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre team
News Link
2018.9.5"Perfil criminal geográfico: novas perspectivas comportamentais para
investigação de crimes violentos no Brasil" - D. Lino, L.H. Matsunaga, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
Published in Revista Brasileira de Criminalística (in Portuguese)áfico-novas-perspectivas-comportamentais-para-investigação-de-crimes-violentos-no-Brasil.pdf
News Link
2018.8.27Geographic profiling used to analyze human-tiger conflict risk in Sumatra
"Addressing human-tiger conflict using socio-ecological information on tolerance and risk" - Nature Communications
News Link
Lorie Velarde of the Irvine Police Dept. will give a presentation on Geographic Profiling Analysis in Spanish at the IACA conference in September. The GPA course will be offered in Spanish for the first time in the spring of 2019. Use the registration link if interested.
News Link
A new online GPA-II course will be available starting Sept, 1, 2018, allowing students worldwide to take the course without the time constraint of the current webinar format.
News Link
Congratulations to Fred Lee of the Riverside Police Dept. for winning the CGPATC's annual GPA award for 2018!
News Link
The Committee for Geographic Profiling Analysis Training and Certification (CGPATC) is running an award competition to find the best application of geographic profiling of the past year (2017). See the web site for candidate submission instructions.
News Link

New versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released for 2017. The new versions contain some essential updates, and are recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
Article on the use of geographic profiling in crime analysis by Lorie Velarde of the Irvine CA police department.
Article on page 5 of Crime Mapping & Analysis News Issue 5, Fall 2016
News Link
Geographic profiling in crime fiction: Caleb Carr ("The Alienist") mentions geographic profiling in his new novel "Surrender, New York". (Look Inside the Print Book on Amazon and use the Search function to read an excerpt.)
News Link
IACA 2016 Training Conference, Louisville KY, Sept. 19-23
Visit the ECRI booth at the conference for demonstrations and information on training.

New versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released for 2016. Rigel Workstation 2.3 contains new features and enhancements, and is recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
El Perfil Geográfico en la Investigación Criminal
Rossmo, D. K., & Summers, L. (2015). El perfil geográfico en la investigación criminal. International E-journal of Criminal Sciences, 9, art. 3.
News Link
Canadian criminologist part of team that says it has ID’d elusive street artist
News Link
Locating Criminals with Geo-Profiling

Wolfram demonstration implementation of the Rossmo geographic profiling algorithm:
News Link
Counter-terrorism: Shrinking the haystack

Software is helping the search for guerrillas’ and terrorists’ safe houses and weapons caches
News Link

New versions of all of the Rigel software products have been released for 2015. Rigel Workstation 2.2 contains new features and enhancements, and is recommended for all users. Customers on software maintenance have received incremental updates throughout the year and will receive the latest updates as well.
Release Notes

Press Release Link
Welcome IACA 2015 Training Conference attendees!
Contact ECRI for a free trial of Rigel software and information on GPA training online.
Event Link
How Gestapo files from the 1940s could help stop terrorists today
Related movie 'Alone in Berlin' currently being filmed for 2016 release
News Link
ECRI has been awarded a contract to provide a Criminal Investigator's Workstation system to the RCMP, under the Canadian federal government's BCIP program.
Press Release Link
Mapping Murder - How geographic profiling helps find serial criminals
News Link
The History Detectives on PBS used modern tools on an 130 year old case, possibly involving America’s first serial killer. The homicides occurred in Austin, Texas, and predate Jack the Ripper. You can watch the full episode here: . Geographic profiling is mentioned about 2/3 of the way through.
News Link
Jack the Ripper hunted near home, new forensic analysis finds
News Link
Geographic profiling for epidemiology and animal studies
Garriott Lecture at Queen Mary University by Dr. Steve Le Comber (Flash required).
News Link
2014.02.25Finding Patterns in Spatial Data
Connecting geospatial analyses of criminal investigations to data analytics in business (Article in Up Front magazine by Dr. Kim Rossmo)
News Link
New Geographic Profiling Analysis (GPA) courses added to the training schedule for February through July 2014, including courses in the USA, Canada, and the UK.
Event Link
2013.12.16Geographic profiling seminar for crime analysts, police investigators and public security officials
Hotel Breukelen, Breukelen, Netherlands
Event Link

ECRI will be exhibiting at the International Association of Crime Analysts Training Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, September 10-11, 2013. Conference attendees can drop by the ECRI booth for an exciting conference-exclusive software giveaway!

Update: Photo of ECRI booth at the 2013 IACA Conference featured on the IACA home page (lower left).

Event Link
2013.08.21ECRI has updated the company web site style, but all of the previous content can still be found in the same places. Please let us know if you discover any problems or if you have any comments.Press Release Link
Professor Kim Rossmo explains how geographic profiling has been used to help understand the movement patterns of Great White sharks in an episode of Shark Week on the Discovery channel.
News Link

Rigel Workstation 2.0
ECRI has announced an update to its Rigel Workstation geographic profiling software. Rigel Workstation 2.0 contains many new features and enhancements, and is recommended for all users.

Press Release Link

Rigel Analyst 2013
ECRI has released the annual update to its popular Rigel Analyst geographic profiling software. Rigel Analyst 2013 is an update of Rigel Analyst 2012, based on the latest Rigel Workstation software platform, and is recommended for all users. New this year are the video release notes.

Press Release Link
The first online webinar version of the Geographic Profiling Analyst - II course was run this week. More webinars will be scheduled in the near future to accommodate students who cannot travel.
Press Release Link
2013.03.15Online video tutorials are now available for certain ECRI software products such as Rigel Workstation.Press Release Link
2013.03.01Dutch True Crime magazine Koud Bloed

"Boeven vangen met geografische daderprofilering" - Article by Godfried Nevels

News Link
Geographic profiling used to combat algae invasions

Researchers at Florence university have come up with a method for identifying the epicentre of algae infestations using a technique normally employed by criminologists. The discovery, made during a study conducted last year, has been published by the magazine 'Biological Invasions'.,

News Link

Criminal Minds approach could help nab terrorists

News Link

Rigel Analyst 2012 and Rigel Analyst 11.0

ECRI has released annual updates to its popular Rigel Analyst geographic profiling software. Rigel Analyst 2012 is an all-new version based on the latest Rigel Workstation software platform, and is recommended for new users. Rigel Analyst 11.0 is an incremental update from the previous version for current users who prefer minimal change.

Press Release Link
The History Channel documentary "The Real Sherlock Holmes", schedule to air Sept. 28, 2012, will feature a segment on geographic profiling.
News Link
2012.08.01ECRI China

ECRI products are now available for sale in China, with local language versions and sales, support and training.
News Link
2011.12.01Numb3rs LogoCBS’s Numb3rs features Geographic Profiling as a tool for catching a serial killer who is targeting men who solicit prostitutes. Devil Girl - Season 6 Episode 13.News Link
The case of "Jack the Ripper", excerpted from D. Kim Rossmo. (2000). Geographic profiling. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Press Release Link

ECRI Releases Rigel Analyst 10.0

ECRI is pleased to announce the release of Rigel Analyst 10.0. Major new features include 3-D jeopardy surface; canvassing module; stacked crime location symbols; and support for Microsoft MapPoint 2011 and ESRI ArcGIS 10.1. For more information visit the Rigel Analyst product page.

Press Release Link

ECRI Showcasing Gemini at IACA 2011

ECRI is attending the International Association of Crime Analysts’ 21st annual training conference in Cape Code, from Sept 19 to Sept 21, 2011. Come by our exhibit to see GEMINI, our new advanced crime linkage analysis system. Gemini provides matrix and Bayesian linkage analysis to identify and link serial crimes; all in one convenient tool. For more information on GEMINI, please visit the product webpage for more details.

Press Release Link
2011.07.14Columbus Ohio - Police Using Predictive Analysis To Find Repeat Criminals. See story
News Link
2011.06.06The International Journal of Health
Geographics has published a peer reviewed article on Geographic profiling as a novel spatial tool for targeting infectious disease control. Read more.
News Link
2011.06.06Geographic profiling creates smart push pins for police. Read more.News Link
2011.05.20Wired Science "Criminal-Profiling Trick Used to Combat Disease". Article features Dr. Kim Rossmo and Dr. Steven Le Comber's study on the use of geographic profiling to identify source of infectious diseases.News Link
2011.05.11The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy will be hosting the Geographic Profiling Analyst course from August 1 to Aug 12, 2011. Visit the course webpage for more details.Event Link
2011.04.13The UCL Jill Dando Institute and NPIA will be hosting the Geographic Profiling Analyst course from Jun 20 to July 1, 2011. Visit the course webpage for more details.Event Link
2011.02.25The Lee County Sheriff's Office will be hosting the Geographic Profiling Analyst course from Mar 28 to Apr 8, 2011. Event Link
2011.02.10ECRI launches its new website! The redesign was taken on to better meet our visitor's primary goals; including finding detailed information on individual products, training, support, and requesting demos and quotes.Press Release Link
2011.02.01Season 6 Episode 13 of CBS’s Numb3rs ("Devil Girl") features Geographic Profiling as a tool for catching a serial killer who is targeting men who solicit prostitutes. Promo clip: Link
2011.01.28ECRI is pleased to announce we will be exhibiting at the 2011 IACA Spring Training Symposium on Apr 27-28, 2011 at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia.Event Link
2010.12.18Law Australian “Kill Zone”. Controversial research suggests that attacks by great white sharks follow a deadly pattern, writes Robert Reid.News Link
2010.09.15ECRI announces the availability of Rigel Analyst 9.0.Press Release Link
2010.06.24ECRI is pleased to announce we will be exhibiting at the International Problem-Oriented Policing and Crime Analysis Training Conference on September 27-30, 2010 at the Arlington Convention Center, Arlington, Texas.Event Link
2009.09.08ECRI announces the availability of Rigel Analyst 8.0.Press Release Link
2008.12.01Law Officer “Crime Mapping & Geographic Profiling”.News Link
2008.11.28ECRI announces the availability of Rigel Analyst 7.0.Press Release Link
2008.11.02A “geographic profiling” system first implemented by Canadian police to help locate and apprehend serial criminals, is now being evaluated by the Canadian military for use in counter-insurgency operations overseas (RCMP Gazette Vol 70, Nov 1, 2008).News Link
2007.09.30ECRI announces the availability of Rigel 6.0 (Profiler and Analyst editions). Rigel now includes support for Microsoft's MapPoint, ESRI's ArcGIS and MapInfo's MapInfo Professional.Press Release Link
2007.06.19ECRI partners with MDA on Defence Research and Development Canada project.Press Release Link
2007.03.02Paramount Pictures has released a movie about the "Zodiac" serial killer that terrorized the San Francisco Bay area in the late 1960's. The website contains interviews with 3 contemporary forensic experts: Dr. Gerald McMenamin, a forensic linguistics expert; Dr. Kim Rossmo, an expert on geographic profiling; and Sharon Pagaling-Hagan, a Criminal Profiler.News Link
2007.01.31Irvine California Police Department wins ‘International Association of Chiefs of Police Excellence in Criminal Investigations Award’ for police work involving geographic profiling.News Link
2007.01.31Toronto Police Services makes arrest based on geographic profile - An alleged sexual predator on the loose for a year was snared by geo-profiling. Sex Crimes Unit investigators called upon D/Const Manny San Pedro, a geographic profiling analyst at Corporate Planning, to put his knowledge to work on a long series of occurrences.News Link
2007.01.30Research Professor Kim Rossmo has won a grant ($440,000 USD) from the nonprofit research institute Stanford Research International to develop his Geographic Profiling in Counter-Terrorism project. The project will seek to identify terrorists' patterns of behavior and movements before an attack.
News Link
2006.10.31University of Texas - Criminal justice studies graduate solves crime using geographic profiling for Arlington Police Department.News Link
2006.10.20Irvine CA Police Department wins international award for police work involving geographic profiling.News Link
2006.10.17Irvine CA Police Department wins prestigious IACP/Choicepoint Award for excellence in criminal investigations based on geographic profiling case.Press Release Link
2006.03.31Environmental Criminology Research Inc. (ECRI) announces the availability of Rigel 5.0.Press Release Link
2005.11.05A man suspected of being the "chair burglar" has been located with the assistance of Rigel, and arrested by Irvine police.
News Link
2005.10.31Geographic profiling has significant potential as a tool for counter-insurgency. The U.S. National Technology Alliance (NTA) completed an evaluation of whether these types of analysis tools would be useful to aid in the hunt for insurgents, weapons caches and sources of bomb materials, thereby reducing civilian and military casualties.News Link
2005.10.29Kim Rossmo receives SFU’s Nora and Ted Sterling prize for controversy.Press Release Link
2005.10.01New Zealand Fire Service - A discussion with Rhonda Trahern ( Geographic Profiler) on the use of Geographic Profiling in arson investigations October/November 2005 Issue #13 The New Zealand Fire Service Magazine. Link
2005.09.30ECRI completes a project to evaluate the use of geographic profiling for the National Technology Alliance (NTA).Press Release Link
2005.08.13Svenska Dagbladet - Kartor nytt sätt få fast brottslingar - Med hjälp av karta och en ny analysmetod ska brottslingar ringas in mer effektivt. I höst kommer sju nya så kallade geografiska analytiker att utbildas inom polisen. Metoden har visat sig stämma i sju av tio fall när den använts i andra länder. (Swedish). www.svd.seNews Link
2005.04.11Focus - Das MOderne Nachrichtenmagazin –Suche nach dem Ankerpunkt. Wie Geoprofiling hilft, den Wohynort von Serientätern einzukreissen (German).News Link
2004.12.11Algemeen Politieblad - Waar ben je? - Geographic profiler Bert Adrianens speurt naar seriedaders.... Geographic profiling geeft een antworord op de vraag die in een rechercheonderzoek nog . (Dutch language).News Link
2004.10.12ECRI and British Columbia Institute of Technology's Department of Forensic Science Technology team up to offer training in Geographic Profiling Analysis for property crime investigators.Press Release Link
2004.06.01Sambandet - Gärningsmannen rings in med analysis.... A Swedish Police Magazine article on Geographic Profiling (Swedish language).News Link
2004.03.11London Times Online - Science has provided a new twist to the Ripper case. The modern police mantra that "offenders don’t go where they don't know" has given rise to the technique of geographic profiling.News Link
2004.02.16St. Petersburg Times - Software aids in searches for suspects - ...Wilfong, a 27-year agency veteran, is the only Sheriff's Office employee dedicated full time to geographic profiling. [...] "She was right on the money," said Sgt. Kathy Hamilton-Scott patrol supervisor. "Everything they have done for us so far has been fantastic. I can't say enough about it".News Link
2003.12.30De Limburger - A Dutch newspaper report on using Geographic Profiling in The Netherlands (Dutch language).News Link
2003.10.02Kim Rossmo, Ph.D., world-renowned criminologist and leading authority on geographic profiling, has joined the Department of Criminal Justice as the first-ever research professor at Texas State University-San Marcos.Press Release Link
2003.07.24A Canadian geographic profiler is helping the NSW police investigate the murder of a 23 year old Southern Highlands woman. The body of Rachelle Childs was found in bushland near the South Coast village of Gerroa in June 2001. She was last seen alive in the Southern Highlands town of Bargo the night before. In a first for homicide cases in NSW, police have conducted DNA tests on more than 100 people from the two towns and have invited geographic profiler, Detective Sergeant Scot Filer of the Royal Canadian Mountain police to help investigate the location of the murderer. Australian Broadcasting Corp.News Link
2003.07.16Financial Times Deutschland - A German newspaper report on geographic profiling (German language only).News Link
2003.05.01Environmental Criminology Research Inc. (ECRI) announces that South Wales Police, UK and Santa Rosa Police, CA, USA have acquired RIGEL Analyst systems.Press Release Link
2003.04.26Mapping the criminal mind – The publics’ fascination for criminal profiling appears endless. One of the latest methods is geographic profiling, which aims to track down where a serial criminal lives from their crime locations. Former Canadian beat cop Kim Rossmo. New Scientist.News Link
2003.04.13Frankfurter Allgemeine - A German newspaper reports on psychological and geographic profiling (German language only).News Link
2003.04.11Environmental Criminology Research Inc. (ECRI) completes installation of RIGEL geographic profiling system for the Limburg Zuid Regional Police in The Netherlands.Press Release Link
2003.04.01The Hound of the Data Points - "Rossmo, 47, is the inventor and most zealous proponent of criminal geographic targeting (CGT), more commonly known as geographic profiling. He uses CGT to hunt society's most dangerous game: violent serial criminals -- arsonists, rapists and murderers whose taste for carnage seems only to sharpen with time, and who tend to programmatically continue their offenses until they are caught." Popular ScienceNews Link
2003.02.01Highlights: Geographic Profiling –"When international news media focused attention on the series of sniper killings in suburban Washington, DC, last fall, it sparked renewed interest in forensic profiling, the science of utilizing psychology as well as a newer technique called geographic profiling to identify, locate and capture serial criminals." The Prosecutor, pp. 42 - 43, National District Attorneys AssociationNews Link
2002.10.01Washington Sniper Case - Geographic profiler Kim Rossmo assists Montgomery Country (Maryland) police in investigation of fatal shootings. See coverage at:

  • – In the search for a killer, a high-tech tool.

  • BBC News – Police profilers on US sniper's trail

  • New York Times – Fear in a Sniper’s Wake: “This Guy’s Our Neighor”.

  • CBC News – Third arrest in Maryland sniper case

News Link
2002.07.31Geographic Profiling: A new Tool for Crime Analysts - "The advanced crime analysis technique of geographic profiling has proven very successful over the last decade in case of serial violent crime... a new program has been developed to introduce this technique to crime analysts at local police departments..." Crime Mapping News, page 5 - 8, The Police Foundation, Washington DCNews Link
2002.07.30High-tech hunter stalks criminal prey - If police profiler Brad Moore is on the case, a Lanark County arsonist should be very worried. Ottawa CitizenNews Link
2002.05.15InfoTech Enterprises Europe signs up as distributor of RIGEL Analyst in the UK and Europe.Press Release Link
2002.03.16Two former Vancouver city police officers have joined the call for an investigation into the handling of the missing women case. Geographic profiler Kim Rossmo and retired inspector Doug MacKay-Dunn say an investigation is needed... The Province, Vancouver CanadaNews Link
2002.03.07Puffy-faced rapist pleads guilty - The Strongsville suspect linked by law enforcement agencies to smash-and-grab incidents and sexual attacks in several Cleveland, Ohio's south western suburbs pleaded guilty to a number of charges... The Sun Star, Cleveland, Ohio USA - Joanne B. duMound.News Link
2002.01.02National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, South East (NLECTC), announces an expansion of its Geographic Training program using Rigel software from Environmental Criminology Research Inc (ECRI).Press Release Link
2001.12.09Zeroing In on a Killer - "Geoprofiling - the science of predicting where criminals live based upon where they commit crimes - was transformed this year from an academic novelty into a mainstream crime-fighting technique. It is now used by Scotland Yard, the F.B.I, the RCMP, ...." - New York Times Magazine, Shane DubowNews Link
2000.09.30University of Houston to provide geographic profiling training and services to US law enforcement agencies, using ECRI’s geographic profiling system.Press Release Link
2000.09.07Environmental Criminology Research Inc. (ECRI) announces German federal government Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) purchase of Rigel geographic profiling system.Press Release Link
2000.03.13Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to implement the geographic profiling methodology, and use Rigel, the geographic profiling system for serial arson and bombing cases.Press Release Link
2000.02.11Environmental Criminology (ECRI) announces UK government National Crime Faculty purchase of Rigel geographic profiling system.Press Release Link
2000.02.10National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) to provide crime analysis training and geographic profiling services to US law enforcement agencies, using ECRI’s geographic profiling system.Press Release Link
1996.06.06SFU News– Det. Inspector Kim Rossmo receives his doctorate for his thesis ‘Geographic Profiling: Target Patterns of Serial Murderers’.News Link
Technology Trends: Geographical Profiling - Katherine Ramsland article on how analysis of the geographical nature of a crime scene can help to solve murder cases.News Link
Robert Pickton: The Vancouver Missing Women – The four year search for Vancouver’s Low Track missing women and geographic profiling use in the case.News Link