Course Location
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Centre for Forensic & Security Technology Studies
555 Seymour St.
Vancouver, BC V5G 3H2
Course Overview
This program is designed to give analysts, investigators, detectives, and managers the background and skills to interpret geographic profiles correctly and to make actionable recommendations. Students learn through presentations given by subject matter experts, through the study of real cases, group dialogue, and a field exercise as well as hands-on training with the professional geographic profiling software RIGEL. This course is approved by the Committee for Geographic Profiling Analyst Training and Certification (CGPATC), and gradutates are eligible for certification as Geographic Profiling Analysts.
GPA II – Advanced
Date: Fall, 2012
Time: 8:30am-5:00pm
Course Fee: TBD + 12% HST
Course Overview: This course builds on the GPA I and instructs students in the methodology of geographic profiling by using the Criminal Geographic Targeting (CGT) algorithm to determine the area of likely offender residence. This class is taught in a computer lab setting and consists of several cases which illustrate how to use geographic profiling techniques in a criminal investigation. Law enforcement personnel only.
Who Can Attend?
Crime and Intelligence Analysts, Detectives, Investigators, Law Enforcement Personnel
Topics Covered
Serial Crime, Case Linkage Analysis, Criminal Hunting Methods, Environmental Criminology, Behavioural Geography
Carl Sesely
Sherri Darrah
Please visit the BCIT Forensic Science & Technology Webpage.